Solving the Annoying Problem of a Moving Back Wheel in BMX: A Guide for Riders

Inevitably, when tightening the rear wheel on a BMX bike, the rider will encounter a typical problem: the wheel will move. In this article, we’ll go through the causes, solutions, and best practices for a less bumpy BMX ride.

What Causes the Rear Wheel to Shift During Tightening

The spacer connecting the nut and the frame is the primary source of the issue. The spacer has a toothed side and a smooth side; the toothed side must be oriented toward the frame, and the smooth side must be oriented toward the nut. To make the wheel go along the frame, you need to flip the spacer so that the teeth can bite into the nut and spin it.

Solutions to Common Issues

The teeth on the spacer need to be facing the frame for this common problem to be avoided. You must also tighten the wheel by half a crank on each side until it is evenly tight. When you tighten the wheel, it will be held in place better if you do this.

This issue could occur more frequently if the spacers are misaligned or lack knurling. Extra caution and gradual tightening of the wheel are required under these conditions.

How to Have a Better Time on Your BMX Bike

To make your BMX riding experience even better, consider these extra suggestions:

You should check the spacer on a regular basis to make sure it is installed properly and that the drill bit is pointing in the direction of the frame.

Make sure you have the proper equipment, such as a wrench that can fit the nut on your bike, before beginning any work.

Always tighten the wheel a half-crank at a time, from side to side, until it is equally snug.

Consider joining the BMX community to gain access to more resources and advice.

For BMX riders, the most aggravating problem is the rear wheel slipping during tightening. But this can be readily prevented by paying strict attention to the spacer and tightening the wheel in stages. Keeping these suggestions in mind will make your BMXing experience much more pleasant.

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Douglas Laird

My parents bought me my first BMX bike in 2011 and it changed my life. This bike has taken me all over the world and introduced me to cool places and cooler people. My goal is to help get 1,000,000 people into BMX so they can experience the joy and freedom that comes from a progression based sport.

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