The Top Two Most Dangerous Broken Parts in BMX Riding: A Rider’s Perspective

As a BMX rider, you know that accidents and broken parts are a reality of the sport. Let’s talk about the worst BMX parts to break.

The reality is that the worst part to break is subjective and depends on the circumstances. If you are worried about a part breaking, it’s best to upgrade it and have peace of mind.

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Worst Part to Break: The Frame

From my own personal experience, the worst part of a BMX bike to break is the frame. I remember hitting a spine at a poorly built skate park and my frame broke in half, sending me face-first into the ground. The result was broken teeth and a cut chin. The frame is the backbone of the bike and when it breaks, it can cause severe injuries and even end your riding session.

Second Worst Part to Break: The Handlebars

Although the frame is the worst part to break, handlebars breaking can also be a close second. If the handlebars break while you’re in mid-air there is a good chance that your arm will slide along the freshly split metal. This could result in a serious injury and end your riding session.

Broken bars are no joke and they should be inspected regularly to ensure there are not cracks.

Subjective Nature of the Worst Part to Break

The frame and handlebars are the worst parts to break in my experience, it is subjective and may vary from rider to rider. A viewer in the video mentioned that the fork is the worst part to break. For that person, the fork might be the worst part. Especially if the forks broke for them and cause an injury.


In conclusion, the dangers of broken bike parts in BMX riding are real and can result in serious injuries. The worst part of a BMX bike to break is subjective and may depend on the rider’s experiences and the way the bike is built. It’s important to take precautions to prevent accidents and broken parts, such as wearing protective gear and regularly maintaining your bike.

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Douglas Laird

My parents bought me my first BMX bike in 2011 and it changed my life. This bike has taken me all over the world and introduced me to cool places and cooler people. My goal is to help get 1,000,000 people into BMX so they can experience the joy and freedom that comes from a progression based sport.

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