Dealing with Seized Cranks on your BMX Bike

Lance says “My crank arms are seized, any advice please”

Now for Lance, this is frustrating. When in doubt Lance, get a bigger hammer and hammer it out. if your crank arms are on your bike and if they’re seized on like that it’s going to be really tough to get it off for a number of reasons.

Make sure your bike when you’re hitting your crank arms isn’t moving you can’t lay it down on the side and hammer the crank arms down because the bike is resting on the crank arm. What I would normally do is try and lay my bike down flat and prop it up on some kind of wood like put a 4×4 or something like that on one side and a 4×4 over on the other side and then set my bike down on top of that so the cranks are in between the two and so that it’s laying flat and that my crank arms are off the ground.

When we’re trying to hammer on something we don’t have anything like resting up against the rest of the bike and so when you hammer your crank arm your bike’s going to move the whole bike and what pulls the crank arm off is the force going one way on the crank and force coming the other way on everything else. If the force is going the same way that the crank and frame are going, you’re not actually doing anything to pull the crank arm off.

so make sure that your frame and everything else is in a position to not move so that the crank arm actually takes that force and starts to come off.

Now get some PB blaster if you can get any PB blaster in there on the spindle or through the bolts there put that on let it sit for a few hours that stuff spray it where you so you’ve got to imagine the spindle and the crank arm seized on there and you want the PB blaster to go in between that so spray it however you can so that PB blaster gets in between there and starts to loosen it up.

Finally, you can use heat if you get a torch or something like that. just heat up the area and the torch will break it loose usually and you can hammer it off. I don’t like to do that torches they’re just a pain in the ass and it’s a lot of work. I just think it’s a better use of my time just to not play with fire so…

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Douglas Laird

My parents bought me my first BMX bike in 2011 and it changed my life. This bike has taken me all over the world and introduced me to cool places and cooler people. My goal is to help get 1,000,000 people into BMX so they can experience the joy and freedom that comes from a progression based sport.

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