My 2019 BMX Edit

Find out about the BACKYARD JAM

England Food


I Started working on this edit years ago. I always out progressed myself so my old clips didn’t seem good enough to post. The last clip was a clip I had saved since last year, everything else was filmed 2019 at camp.


Nothing crazy in this edit, just because I died on a frontie a little before the end of camp. Or is that an excuse? I chilled out after that. I tried to add a little bit of uniqueness to the video with excessive footjams and tailwhips. 😂

What’s the ending?

3 Weeks before camp ended, I learned about the backyardjam. I thought “how cool if I could go to the U.K. for 4 months and compete.” Somehow it’s actually happening. I’ve been here for about 3 days and I absolutely love it.

While i’m here, I plan to attend diabetes conferences and help younger kids that are being diagnosed. I want to inspire them to continue chasing their dreams despite a disease. It’s hard, but it’s possible.

Keep up on the gram 🤯

Douglas Laird

My parents bought me my first BMX bike in 2011 and it changed my life. This bike has taken me all over the world and introduced me to cool places and cooler people. My goal is to help get 1,000,000 people into BMX so they can experience the joy and freedom that comes from a progression based sport.

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