Tips to Manual on a BMX Bike

Craig says: “any tips on manuals for an old man getting back into the sport?”

Basically, everyone wants to learn manuals, which are tough. The best way to get this trick down is to follow the Bike School formula and use the tools that we offer. This trick takes a ton of effort but no matter what your age is, you got this.

Start With a Goal

Start with a goal in mind. Usually, I tell people to go to a parking lot with parking spaces and set a goal. Just manual one parking space so go there show up and work on that one spot. Keep working to achieve the goal (however many parking spaces you want to manual) and keep working at it. Eventually, you’ll go from 1 parking space to 2 parking spaces to 10 and so on.

BUT… don’t just blindly do the trick. One of the biggest issues that people have is they try the same thing over and over and over without trying different things. You need to be deliberate and think hard about what certain things happen. Ask yourself, “Why did I loop out?” “Whi did this happen?” and actually study it so you are not doing the same thing over and over.

if you’re doing a manual the exact same every single time, you’re gonna get the exact same results, every single time. You’re never gonna get better at it so you’ve got to think and be deliberate with everything you do when you’re riding. Always be asking the questions. “Why did this happen? What can i do to make this better?” Now get out there and start working on them.

We teach our members manuals with personalized feedback in Bike School. See if it’s right for you here:

Douglas Laird

My parents bought me my first BMX bike in 2011 and it changed my life. This bike has taken me all over the world and introduced me to cool places and cooler people. My goal is to help get 1,000,000 people into BMX so they can experience the joy and freedom that comes from a progression based sport.

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